Intelligent Sustainable Content
for the Sustainable Development and Green Building Industries
Oak Leaf Communication provides intelligent, sustainable, content to B2B businesses, professionals, professional organizations, and non-profits in the sustainable development and green building industries who want to develop strong, long-term client relationships at various stages of the buyer's journey in an effort to strengthen their brand, position their brand as a thought leader, and increase customer sales and retention.
Oak Leaf Communication is an Organizational Member of the U.S. Green Building Council.

Content Creation Problems?
Do you struggle to consistently create effective, engaging content?
If so, you are not alone. Creating consistent, effective, engaging content in the sustainable development and green building industries is perhaps one of the most demanding things you do on a regular basis.
You have to strike that balance between educating your audience, answering their questions, engaging their interests, and delivering high-quality, consistent content in the various channels your clients are using.
You want quality content that is efficiently created in order to stay within your content marketing budget. Content that not only engages your current audience but that reaches out to new customers, provides new leads, increases your conversion rates, video views, click through and subscriber rates, and ultimately leads to repeat sales through long-term customer relationships. You want it all. Are you getting that?
Oak Leaf Communication is committed to helping you achieve these goals.

Who we are ....
Oak Leaf Communication provides intelligent, sustainable content for businesses, manufacturers, professionals, professional organizations, and institutions of higher education in the sustainable development and green building industries.
What we do ....
Our content—which includes things like bylined articles, white papers, case studies, ebooks, video scripts, and more—will help you establish your reputation as a leader in the industry, educate your customers on the positive environmental effects of your complex products and services, and help you to build strong, long-lasting client relationships.
Why we're different ....
We are different from most environmentally related content writing companies because our professional writers are trained in marketing, communications, copywriting, publishing, screenwriting, and environmental studies.
As an organizational member of the USGBC, we are committed to the sustainable development and green building industries. We understand the LEEDs certification process and we are committed to helping our clients make positive environmental changes in this world.
FOUNDER: Anne Custer
"To me, there is nothing more important than conserving the natural environment. It literally is the context in which we all live.
Sustainable development and green building production are two of the most immediate ways we can begin to address the various issues that are involved with climate change.
I want to work with people who are dedicated to the environment and are passionate about making the necessary changes as quickly as possible."
Why Choose Us?

You're looking for someone...
... who knows the sustainable development and green building industries
We know those industries. In fact, we are so committed to these industries that we are an organizational member of the USGBC. So we understand not only the language of your industry but also your audience. We come in with that knowledge and are able not only to start the project right away but to add value to your project.
... who can write quality content
We are not going to offer you fluffy content that fills a void. We will examine your unique needs and work with you to offer sustainable content that positions you as a leader in the industry. We want to provide you with quality, evergreen content that will be shared over time, which means our content will be working for your company long after it has been written.
... who can write a wide-range of content
You have a lot of marketing channels to fill. We know that and we can deliver a wide-variety of content. Everything from industry journal articles to video scripts to case studies to white papers, spec sheets, and more. We can write what you need and we can work with other industry professionals—like graphic designers, publishers, and videographers—to ensure that the material has a visual representation that communicates the information effectively.
...that knows how to write content that educates and persuades your audience
We know a lot of the items you offer require you to educate your audience about various specifications, details, and processes. Those important product or service details can actually be utilized to persuade your audience to buy the product. We can translate that highly technical information into something that your audience will actually want to read.
... who can do the research when necessary
Our founder, a Harvard/Princeton grad, makes research a priority for every project this company completes. We will ask you a lot of questions in order to ensure that the content we prepare for you is effective, directive, and sustainable.
As you might imagine, our background in publishing, communications, and environmental studies makes us uniquely qualified to help you with your sustainable development or green building industry content.
So why not check out our services?

— Ryan O'Connor
"We've worked with Anne at Oak Leaf Communication
for more than four years now and couldn't be happier. She's written a variety of projects for us and everything she's written has been strategically planned, carefully researched, and well-written."

Content Packages
Looking for a deal?
You can create a variety of content from one specific subject area. Let's say you want a white paper. Why not spin some of that white paper content out into
2 case studies
a blog post
a video
You can save 25% by combining your same topic projects into one of our popular packages.

Contact Us
We welcome the opportunity to help you deliver intelligent, sustainable content that grows your customer relationships
Contact us today and let's get started on that project!
Oak Leaf Communication
554 Highland Avenue
Oakdale, PA 15071
Email: info@oakleafcommunication.com
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Eastern Standard Time USA)